"Thank you for Turning in in 2024 and Thank you for your support "

"Thank you to our listeners, thank you to our technicians and presenters, continue to tune in. Just for a Soul "
IN - India DE - Germany GB -United Kingdom RO - Romania US - United State NL - Netherland BB - Barbados CH - Switerland SZ - Swaziland BW - Botwana RU - Russian Federation MZ - Mozambique MX - Mexico TH - Thailand TZ - Tanzania BR - Brazil FR - France PT - Portugal NG - Nigeria AU - Australia GN - Guinea KE - Kenya PL - Porland AO - Angola CZ - Czech Republic Czechia SK- Slovak Republic ET - Ethopia TW - Taiwan NA - Namibia ZW - Zimbabwe TR - Turkey VU - Vanuatu CO - Colombia JP - Japan AT - Austria ZA - South Africa BE - Belgium AR - Agertina TT - Trinidas and Tobago SL - Sierra Leon ES - Spain RS - Serbia QA - Qatar SE - Sweden SD - Sudan GH - Ghana IT - Italy NZ - New Zeland CA - Canada PL - Poland GR - Greece UA - Ukraine SV - El Salvador MX - Merrico ID - Indonesia PE - Peru AE -United Arab Emirates IL -Irael CD - Congo, Democratic Republic GY - Guyana IE - Ireland HU - Hungary JM - Jamaica KR - Korea, Republic ES - Spain IR - Iran (Islamic Republic) UG - Uganda KZ - Kazakhstan SG - Singapore SI - Slovenia PH - Philippines LS - Lesotho BY - Belarus CN - China HK - Hong Kong EC -Ecuador FI - Finland DK - Denmak VN-Vietnam PS - Palestinian Territory MW - Malawi PA - Panama GT - Guatemala LR - Liberia TG - Toko RW -Rwanda CG -Congo SA - Saudi Arabia MU - Mauritius BS -Bahamas MV - Maldives LT- Lithuania EG - Egypt ZM - Zambia MT - Malta BM -Bermuda LK -Sri Lanka EU - European Union MY -Malaysia CM - Cameroon BF - Burkinafaso - FJ - Fiji BI - Burundi MA - Morocco PK - Pakistan IQ - Iraq HR -Croatia CY - Cyprus - ML Mali CR - Costa Rica DZ- Algeria SO - Somalia PY - Paraguay NO - Norway AL - Albania DO - Dominican Republic KH - Cambodia SC - Seychelles EE - Estonia BT -Bhutan PR -Puerto Rico YE - Yemen UZ - Uzbekistan VE - Venezuela BH -Bahrain MD - Moldova CL - Chile SR - Suriname VC - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ME - Montenegro SS - South Sudan AG - Angola HN - Hondura RE - Reuion HT - Haiti MM - Myammar SN - Senegal NI - Nicaragua MK - Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of UY - Uruguay GE - Georgia MN - Mongolia PF - French Polynesia BG - Bulgaria, Republic of BD - Bangladesh OM - Oman ZZ - Unknown or unspecified country LA - Lao People's Democratic Republic AM -Armenia NI -Nicaragua - KG - Kyrgyzstan LB - Lebanon Dom - Dominica SY - Syrian Arab Republic PR -Puerto Rico KW - Kuwait
February 2025 Statistic

To our listeners all over the continent we would like to thank you for your support, may God continue to restore your hearts and souls.
Let's us keep on tuning in and sharing the links with other people. we are humble.
Thanks to each and every one who is always making sure that we are always live
To our technicians thank you
Presenters thank you
Studio manager thank you
Program Manger thank you
To By The Grace Ministry Thank you
Studio manager thank you
Program Manger thank you
To By The Grace Ministry Thank you
John Mamabolo
Mens of Peace Conference 2024
1. Pastor Rams
2. Dr Bishop LNP Seleti
3. Mandla Ramalobela